Tag Archive: United States

In an interview with Government Technology, Research Analyst Jack Corrigan unpacked the Federal Communication Commission's ban on Chinese telecom technologies.

A CSET report outlined steps state and local governments can take to remove Chinese technologies from critical infrastructure.

The United States will not see the full effects of the Federal Communications Commission's decision to ban sales of Chinese telecom equipment for years to come CSET's Jack Corrigan told Cyberscoop.

CSET's "Banned in D.C." found that few U.S. states have followed the U.S. government’s lead on trying to prohibit the procurement of foreign information and telecommunications technologies.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

CQ Researcher
| November 25, 2022

CSET Lead Analyst William Hannas shared his thoughts on the future of artificial intelligence and the global AI race between the United States and China.

How Scientists Can Inform Policy Decisions

| November 8, 2022

In an opinion piece for Nature, CSET's Director Dewey Murdick draws from his own experiences and expertise to share how scientists and other technical experts can inform valuable policy decisions and communicate with policymakers.

Funding from the CHIPS and Science Act is expected to build new semiconductor manufacturing plants, but to staff new fabs, Research Analyst Will Hunt estimates a need for more than 3,000 high-tech workers.

In an opinion piece for Scientific American, Dakota Cary discussed why civilian satellites must be designated as critical infrastructure.

Congress, China, and the Plan to Compete

The Wire China
| August 7, 2022

A key provision in the final CHIPS and Science Act that was dropped would have made high-skilled immigration to work in the U.S. easier. A CSET study estimated new semiconductor manufacturing plants may require 3,500 foreign-born high-skilled workers.

CSET Research Fellow Emily Weinstein testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission at a hearing on "Challenges from Chinese Policy in 2022: Zero-COVID, Ukraine, and Pacific Diplomacy." Weinstein proposed the creation of a new export control regime.