Tag Archive: Cybersecurity

The Public AI Research Portfolio of China’s Security Forces

Dewey Murdick Daniel Chou Ryan Fedasiuk Emily S. Weinstein
| March 2021

New analytic tools are used in this data brief to explore the public artificial intelligence (AI) research portfolio of China’s security forces. The methods contextualize Chinese-language scholarly papers that claim a direct working affiliation with components of the Ministry of Public Security, People's Armed Police Force, and People’s Liberation Army. The authors review potential uses of computer vision, robotics, natural language processing and general AI research.

Pentagon, Rivals to Play ‘Cat-and-Mouse Game’ with AI

National Defense Magazine
| March 12, 2021

CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn's work on machine learning vulnerabilities is cited in this article on the Department of Defense's efforts to adopt artificial intelligence technologies for a host of functions.

CSET Research Analyst Dakota Cary discusses the differences in work culture between cybersecurity workers in China and the United States.

Academics, AI, and APTs

Dakota Cary
| March 2021

Six Chinese universities have relationships with Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) hacking teams. Their activities range from recruitment to running cyber operations. These partnerships, themselves a case study in military-civil fusion, allow state-sponsored hackers to quickly move research from the lab to the field. This report examines these universities’ relationships with known APTs and analyzes the schools’ AI/ML research that may translate to future operational capabilities.

Cyber AI Director Ben Buchanan sat down with Scientific American to discuss the cyberattack on an Oldsmar, Florida water supply facility and how to protect public facilities in the future.

Russian hack brings changes, uncertainty to US court system

The Associated Press
| February 2, 2021

CSET's CyberAI Director Ben Buchanan discusses whether the Russian cyber hack was targeted to affect the U.S. court system.

U.S. research security requires trust and collaboration between those conducting R&D and the federal government. Most R&D takes place in the private sector, outside of government authority and control, and researchers are wary of federal government or law enforcement involvement in their work. Despite these challenges, as adversaries work to extract science, technology, data and know-how from the United States, the U.S. government is pursuing an ambitious research security initiative. In order to secure the 78 percent of U.S. R&D funded outside the government, authors Melissa Flagg and Zachary Arnold propose a new, public-private research security clearinghouse, with leadership from academia, business, philanthropy, and government and a presence in the most active R&D hubs across the United States.

AI and the Future of Cyber Competition

Wyatt Hoffman
| January 2021

As states turn to AI to gain an edge in cyber competition, it will change the cat-and-mouse game between cyber attackers and defenders. Embracing machine learning systems for cyber defense could drive more aggressive and destabilizing engagements between states. Wyatt Hoffman writes that cyber competition already has the ingredients needed for escalation to real-world violence, even if these ingredients have yet to come together in the right conditions.