Tag Archive: China

How China is using AI for warfare

Analytics India Magazine
| February 21, 2022

CSET's "Harnessed Lightning" outlined China's prioritization of AI's usage for military applications.

In his testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Research Analyst Dakota Cary outlines China's cyberespionage capabilities.

CSET Research Analyst Dakota Cary testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing on "China’s Cyber Capabilities: Warfare, Espionage, and Implications for the United States." Cary discussed the cooperative relationship between Chinese universities and China’s military and intelligence services to develop talent with the capabilities to perform state-sponsored cyberespionage operations.

The AI Race with the PRC & What is to be Done?

The John Batchelor Show
| February 15, 2022

CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk joined the John Batchelor Show "Eye on the World" to discuss China's use of AI and his key findings from "Harnessed Lightning."

Robot Hacking Games

IEEE Security & Privacy
| February 10, 2022

Research Analyst Dakota Cary’s report on China’s Robot Hacking Games and how these competitions explore the future of cybersecurity attacks and defense.

A report by the Peking University Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS) concluded that China will be worse off than the United States from a tech decoupling. CSET's Emily Weinstein discusses why the report was suddenly removed.

In an opinion piece for The Hill, CSET's Kayla Goode and Dahlia Peterson urge the United States to adopt AI education if it wants to compete with China's AI talent.

Since 1990, the U.S. share of global semiconductor manufacturing capacity has declined while the shares of China, South Korea, and Taiwan have increased. If carefully targeted, CHIPS for America Act incentives could reverse this trend for the types of chips that matter most to U.S. national security. In this policy brief, the author assesses how CHIPS Act incentives should be distributed across different types of chips.

Chinese and U.S. University Rankings

Jack Corrigan Simon Rodriguez
| January 2022

The strength of a country’s talent pipeline depends in no small part on the quality of its universities. This data brief explores how Chinese and U.S. universities perform in two different global university rankings, why their standings have changed over time, and what those trends mean for graduates.

Open Source

The Wire China
| January 16, 2022

In an interview with The Wire China, CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk discusses China’s crackdown on public information and the lengths he goes to ensure his open sources remain available for his investigative research on China.