Tag Archive: Artificial intelligence

Sending cutting-edge technology to the frontline of Ukraine is an opportunity for the United States to get operational experience and give Ukrainians newer and helpful capabilities on the battlefield according to CSET Margarita Konaev.

Protecting American Investments in AI

War on the Rocks
| June 1, 2022

A CSET report estimated that China spent $1.6 billion to $5.4 billion on civilian AI research and development.

China’s Industrial Clusters

Anna Puglisi Daniel Chou
| June 2022

China is banking on applying AI to biotechnology research in order to transform itself into a “biotech superpower.” In pursuit of that goal, it has emphasized bringing together different aspects of the development cycle to foster multidisciplinary research. This data brief examines the emerging trend of co-location of AI and biotechnology researchers and explores the potential impact it will have on this growing field.

The Navy Must Learn to Hide from Algorithms

U.S. Naval Institute
| May 2022

Looking at adversarial military AI systems, a CSET study found that the People's Liberation Army spends more than $1.6 billion each year on AI-related systems and equipment.

Quad AI

Husanjot Chahal Ngor Luong Sara Abdulla Margarita Konaev
| May 2022

Through the Quad forum, the United States, Australia, Japan and India have committed to pursuing an open, accessible and secure technology ecosystem and offering a democratic alternative to China’s techno-authoritarian model. This report assesses artificial intelligence collaboration across the Quad and finds that while Australia, Japan and India each have close AI-related research and investment ties to both the United States and China, they collaborate far less with one another.

CSET Director Dewey Murdick testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on "Countering the People’s Republic of China’s Economic and Technological Plan for Dominance." Murdick discussed China's strategy to move towards self-sufficiency in key technologies and steps the United States can take to respond.

In his testimony before the House, Science, Space and Technology Committee subcommittees, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn shares the vulnerabilities of open-source software.

In his testimony before the House Science Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight and the Subcommittee on Research and Technology, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn discussed various vulnerabilities within the AI supply chain and the methods hackers use to subvert AI systems.

According to Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn in his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, the U.S. is the leading global innovator in AI.

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn advises that the DOD has the opportunity to "step ahead of industry in the adversarial context" in terms of AI innovation within cyberspace operations.