Category Archive: Uncategorized

“America’s key competitors are going in a different direction,” said CSET's Tina Huang. “Historically the US has relied on talent from elsewhere to fuel the country’s technological dominance, and its key competitor nations are aware of this.” She spoke with MIT Technology Review about her recent report on immigration policy and tech competition. Read More

What factors motivate the decisions of AI PhDs as they decide where to work after graduation? CSET's Catherine Aiken and Remco Zwetsloot joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss their new data brief on career motivations of AI talent. Read More

Restricting international students seeking to study in the United States will hurt U.S. AI innovation. This Washington Post article extensively cites CSET research on the critical role of Chinese talent in U.S. global competitiveness in artificial intelligence. Read More

AI will alter the nature of cybersecurity in unanticipated ways. CSET's CyberAI Director, Ben Buchanan, wrote a research agenda for understanding these changes, including “how AI & machine learning can be used to detect malicious code.” Read More

The recent White House proclamation restricting immigration has created uncertainty that will "play into China's hand," noted CSET's Remco Zwetsloot in National Journal. Read More

As CSET's Zach Arnold observed in this article, immigrants make up two-thirds of U.S. graduate students and have gone on to start some of America's most innovative AI firms, including Google, Tesla, and Nvidia. Read More

CSET provides a guide to the slew of artificial intelligence, science and technology legislation introduced in recent weeks. Read More

International talent powers American innovation in artificial intelligence. A recent CSET study found that a vast majority of Chinese AI PhDs remained in the United States for at least five years after graduation. Read More

CSET's Melissa Flagg spoke with Axios about her recent research on global investment in R&D. While the U.S. global share has fallen, the R&D of the United States and its allies accounts for more than 50% of global R&D, she argued. Read More

CSET's Founding Director Jason Matheny was interviewed about the National Security Commission on AI's recommendation that the government establish a senior national security point of contact for AI and convene a multilateral working group with allies. Read More