Category Archive: Uncategorized

In his first public event as Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Michael Kratsios joined CSET's Jason Matheny to outline his priorities in the new role as head of the DOD research enterprise. See Defense News' highlights from their conversation below. Read More

New Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Kratsios spoke with CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny and delivered formal remarks in his first public appearance in the role. The pre-recorded discussion and remarks addressed the challenges and opportunities inherent in defense innovation. Read More

AI competition among nations comes down to a technical triad: data, algorithms and computing power. While the first two elements receive an enormous amount of policy attention, compute is often overlooked. CSET's Ben Buchanan explores its potential in Foreign Affairs. Read More

Given the hype around deepfakes, how should we understand the technology’s true risks? Wired spoke with CSET’s Tim Hwang about his latest report, a grounded deepfake threat assessment. Read More

Will antitrust action in the tech sector create openings for a new generation of companies or hurt firms’ ability to achieve AI breakthroughs? Dakota Foster spoke with Fortune’s Jonathan Vanian about her CSET report on Big Tech and antitrust action. Read More

As Congress plunges into conference negotiations on its annual defense authorization bill, CSET highlights major AI and S&T provisions adopted by both chambers. Read More

CSET partnered with the Bipartisan Policy Center and Representatives Robin Kelly and Will Hurd to highlight national security considerations that must be addressed in an American AI strategy. A Wired article on the report's findings quoted CSET Director of Strategy Helen Toner. Read More

“A lot of the policy discussion remains, ‘Let’s throw more money at it; let’s get more AI, bigger AI, better AI,’” CSET's Tim Hwang said. “But that is still not working at the level of granularity we really need to think about what, specifically, do we want to advance to ensure U.S. leadership in this space." He weighed in Congress' latest efforts to support federal AI research. Read More

"More than 80 percent of international doctoral students in artificial intelligence remain in the country after graduation." Two recent CSET reports were cited in the Atlantic to make the case for immigration reform to boost American innovation. Read More

CSET Research Fellow Tim Hwang advises the United Nations on artificial intelligence ethics, as the body seeks to advance principles to address concerns around "bias and misuse of machine automation." Read More