Category Archive: Uncategorized

A CSET report illustrates how malign actors exploit AI to automation disinformation campaigns. Read More

In an interview with MIT Technology Review, Research Analyst Ngor Luong discussed the business boom of AI companies with military ambitions since the war in Ukraine. Read More

In his opinion piece in The Hill, Research Analyst Luke Koslosky discusses the role of community colleges in training the next generation of the U.S. AI workforce. Read More

A CSET study finds that U.S. universities do not have enough teachers to meant the growing demand for an AI education. Read More

A CSET report highlights the potential for China to supplant the U.S. as the world leader in leading-edge semiconductor production. Read More

A recent CSET study finds that China is receiving access to artificial intelligence chips developed by U.S. companies. Read More

In a May CSET webinar, Research Fellow Emily Weinstein and Non-Resident Senior Fellow Kevin Wolf outline a new model for an export control regime to address contemporary challenges. Read More

This month we explored China's access to AI chips, U.S. advantages in the semiconductor supply chain, and China's State Key Laboratory system. Read More

CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk and Elliot Silverberg argue that there are numerous opportunities for the new Yoon administration to strengthen South Korea’s partnership with members of the Quad concerning technology and greater cooperation. Read More

Nationwide expansion of semiconductor manufacturing facilities could create as many as 27,000 jobs in the semiconductor industry according to a CSET report. Read More