Supply Chains

Can Intel become the chip champion the US needs?

The Financial Times
| April 14, 2023

A policy brief by CSET’s Will Hunt was referenced in an article published by The Financial Times discussing Intel's decision to ignore a new chip-making technology nearly a decade ago and how it has put it and the US behind in the global semiconductor manufacturing race.

An article published by Bloomberg cited a report by CSET’s Dahlia Peterson and CSET alumnus Saif M. Khan. The article discusses Japan’s efforts to boost its position in the global semiconductor market by significantly increasing its spending on chip gear.

An article published by Voice of America quoted CSET's Jacob Feldgoise. Feldgoise states that the Chinese government intends to encourage Chinese scientists to make foreign chokepoints irrelevant by financing research in chokepoint technologies.

CSET's Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong were referenced in an article published in Roll Call. The article cites the findings of Weinstein and Luong's research in their U.S. Outbound Investment into Chinese AI Companies report. Additionally, Weinstein and Luong were quoted in an interview regarding the accuracy and comprehensibility of data regarding U.S. investors and China.

Seeking Alpha cited CSET's Will Hunt's policy brief in an article that talks about the CHIPS Act, a plan that intends to revive the US semiconductor industry but with associated risks in its implementation

A Domestic Agenda for the House Select China Committee

The Wall Street Journal
| February 27, 2023

The Wall Street Journal published an opinion article citing two reports: No Permits, No Fabs by CSET's John VerWay and Sustaining and Growing the U.S. Semiconductor Advantage: A Primer by CSET's Owen J. Daniels and Will Hunt.

CSET Non-Resident Fellow John VerWey discussed ways to maximize CHIPS and Science Act investments to secure the U.S. semiconductor supply chain.

Chips Act Will Test Whether U.S. Can Reverse Semiconductor Exodus

The Wall Street Journal
| February 22, 2023

The Wall Street Journal referred to a policy brief by CSET's Will Hunt, which analyzes how incentives from the CHIPS Act should be allocated among various types of chips. The article talks about the $53 billion CHIPS Act program, which aims to revive the domestic semiconductor industry by offering subsidies for manufacturing incentives and research and development.

China’s Tech Money Is Now Radioactive

Foreign Policy
| February 2, 2023

A report by CSET's Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong, was cited in an article published by Foreign Policy. This report focuses on the American investors who are primarily involved in investing in Chinese artificial intelligence companies.

The U.S. semiconductor supply chain’s resilience will meaningfully increase only if current efforts to re-shore fabrication (that is, to situate more facilities that make its key parts in the United States) are met with commensurate efforts to re-shore upstream material production along with downstream assembly, test, and packaging (ATP) of finished microelectronics.