Data, algorithms and models

CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk discusses China's use of technology companies to strengthen the government's authority over personal data under the Personal Information Protection Law.

Foretell, a project run by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) at Georgetown University, which also uses the Cultivate platform, employs this methodology to predict the course of technological competition between America and China.

The Future of Data Science

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
| November 4, 2020

CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny presented the keynote address at the virtual colloquium on the future of data science and the implications for privacy and national security hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Microsoft Unveils Lobe; Will this Make AI Mainstream?

Psychology Today
| October 26, 2020

Psychology Today published an article on Microsoft's new Lobe application. The article featured original research from several CSET experts, including Research Fellow Zachary Arnold, Data Analyst Ilya Rahkovsky and Research Analyst Tina Huang.

Outsmarting AI

BBC World Service: In the Balance
| November 4, 2019

Helen Toner, Director of Strategy at CSET, joined Dame Wendy Hall, Jaan Tallinn and Ed Butler to talk about threats intelligent machines might pose to humans.

The Future of AI and Cybersecurity

The Cipher Brief
| October 30, 2019

“These three areas—adversarial learning, cyber offense, and cyber defense—deserve a lot more attention, and quickly,” writes CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan. “Policymakers have begun to consider these important issues, but the conversation must continue.”