
One Size Does Not Fit All

Heather Frase
| February 2023

Artificial intelligence is so diverse in its range that no simple one-size-fits-all assessment approach can be adequately applied to it. AI systems have a wide variety of functionality, capabilities, and outputs. They are also created using different tools, data modalities, and resources, which adds to the diversity of their assessment. Thus, a collection of approaches and processes is needed to cover a wide range of AI products, tools, services, and resources.

ChatGPT grabs headlines but Chinese competitor to face censorship

South China Morning Post
| February 20, 2023

The South China Morning Post quoted Dahlia Peterson and Hanna Dohmen, both research analysts at CSET, in an article about China's struggles in developing an equivalent of ChatGPT.

Comment to NIST on the AI Risk Management Framework

Mina Narayanan
| September 29, 2022

CSET submitted the following comment in response to the National Institute for Standards and Technology's second draft of its AI Risk Management Framework.

Exploring Clusters of Research in Three Areas of AI Safety

Helen Toner Ashwin Acharya
| February 2022

Problems of AI safety are the subject of increasing interest for engineers and policymakers alike. This brief uses the CSET Map of Science to investigate how research into three areas of AI safety — robustness, interpretability and reward learning — is progressing. It identifies eight research clusters that contain a significant amount of research relating to these three areas and describes trends and key papers for each of them.

Classifying AI Systems

Catherine Aiken Brian Dunn
| December 2021

​​This Classifying AI Systems Interactive presents several AI system classification frameworks developed to distill AI systems into concise, comparable and policy-relevant dimensions. It provides key takeaways and framework-specific results from CSET’s analysis of more than 1,800 system classifications done by survey respondents using the frameworks. You can explore the frameworks and example AI systems used in the survey, and even take the survey.

Key Concepts in AI Safety: Specification in Machine Learning

Tim G. J. Rudner Helen Toner
| December 2021

This paper is the fourth installment in a series on “AI safety,” an area of machine learning research that aims to identify causes of unintended behavior in machine learning systems and develop tools to ensure these systems work safely and reliably. The first paper in the series, “Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview,” outlined three categories of AI safety issues—problems of robustness, assurance, and specification—and the subsequent two papers described problems of robustness and assurance, respectively. This paper introduces specification as a key element in designing modern machine learning systems that operate as intended.

Classifying AI Systems

Catherine Aiken
| November 2021

This brief explores the development and testing of artificial intelligence system classification frameworks intended to distill AI systems into concise, comparable and policy-relevant dimensions. Comparing more than 1,800 system classifications, it points to several factors that increase the utility of a framework for human classification of AI systems and enable AI system management, risk assessment and governance.

AI Accidents: An Emerging Threat

Zachary Arnold Helen Toner
| July 2021

As modern machine learning systems become more widely used, the potential costs of malfunctions grow. This policy brief describes how trends we already see today—both in newly deployed artificial intelligence systems and in older technologies—show how damaging the AI accidents of the future could be. It describes a wide range of hypothetical but realistic scenarios to illustrate the risks of AI accidents and offers concrete policy suggestions to reduce these risks.

Key Concepts in AI Safety: Interpretability in Machine Learning

Tim G. J. Rudner Helen Toner
| March 2021

This paper is the third installment in a series on “AI safety,” an area of machine learning research that aims to identify causes of unintended behavior in machine learning systems and develop tools to ensure these systems work safely and reliably. The first paper in the series, “Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview,” described three categories of AI safety issues: problems of robustness, assurance, and specification. This paper introduces interpretability as a means to enable assurance in modern machine learning systems.

Key Concepts in AI Safety: Robustness and Adversarial Examples

Tim G. J. Rudner Helen Toner
| March 2021

This paper is the second installment in a series on “AI safety,” an area of machine learning research that aims to identify causes of unintended behavior in machine learning systems and develop tools to ensure these systems work safely and reliably. The first paper in the series, “Key Concepts in AI Safety: An Overview,” described three categories of AI safety issues: problems of robustness, assurance, and specification. This paper introduces adversarial examples, a major challenge to robustness in modern machine learning systems.