
In an interview with CBS News regarding the artificial intelligence executive order signed by President Biden, CSET Executive Director, Dewey Murdick provided his expert insights.

Playbook: Johnson makes money moves

| October 30, 2023

CSET's Dewey Murdick chimes in on the forthcoming executive order that aims to minimize the risks of artificial intelligence (AI) while simultaneously maximizing its potential.

In a New York Times article that delves into President Biden's upcoming executive order outlining the first federal regulations on artificial intelligence (A.I.) systems, CSET's Lauren Kahn provided her expert insights.

In an article published by The Messenger that delves into the upcoming executive order outlining the first federal regulations on artificial intelligence (A.I.) systems, CSET's Helen Toner provided her expert insights.

On September 19, 2023, one of us had the opportunity to testify before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight, chaired by Senator Maggie Hassan. Members of the subcommittee asked for an actionable plan for the U.S. government (USG) to address concerns about emerging technologies, like AI, synthetic biology and genetic engineering, and quantum technologies. This blog post endeavors to summarize near term policy recommendations based on CSET research as well as our best guesses about what is needed to address emerging concerns about these technologies.

This blog post by CSET’s Executive Director Dewey Murdick explores two different metaphorical lenses for governing the frontier of AI. The "Space Exploration Approach" likens AI models to spacecrafts venturing into unexplored territories, requiring detailed planning and regular updates. The "Snake-Filled Garden Approach" views AI as a garden with both harmless and dangerous 'snakes,' necessitating rigorous testing and risk assessment. In the post, Dewey examines these metaphors and the different ways they can inform approaches to AI governance strategy that balances innovation with safety, all while emphasizing the importance of ongoing learning and adaptability.

What Does AI Red-Teaming Actually Mean?

Jessica Ji
| October 24, 2023

“AI red-teaming” is currently a hot topic, but what does it actually mean? This blog post explains the term’s cybersecurity origins, why AI red-teaming should incorporate cybersecurity practices, and how its evolving definition and sometimes inconsistent usage can be misleading for policymakers interested in exploring testing requirements for AI systems.

The EU AI Act: A Primer

Mia Hoffmann
| September 26, 2023

The EU AI Act is nearing formal adoption and implementation. Read this blog post, with updated analysis following the December 2023 political agreement, by CSET’s resident EU expert and Research Fellow, Mia Hoffmann. Learn what we know about the Act and what it means for AI regulation in the EU (and the world).

On September 8, 2023, Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) released their Bipartisan Framework on AI Legislation. The framework includes many ideas and recommendations that CSET research has highlighted over the past four years. This blog post highlights some of the most relevant reports and CSET’s perspective on the framework’s elements.

CSET Executive Director Dr. Dewey Murdick testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Emerging Threats Subcommittee on challenges related to emerging technologies and national security.