The following measures, announced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)—a vast PRC government-run complex of laboratories and research institutes—in 2016, address two issues. First, they limit the number and duration of part-time or adjunct positions that high- and mid-ranking leaders of CAS institutes may hold at other organizations. Second, they attempt to allow CAS leaders to benefit financially from commercial applications of their research breakthroughs, while preventing conflicts of interest between CAS and the corporations and others who make use of CAS-developed technology.
The Chinese source text is available online at:
Article 1 These Measures have been formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the [Chinese Communist Party] Central Committee (中央), taking into account the actual circumstances of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in order to implement the spirit of the Central Committee on improving and refining management with regard to scientific research institutes leaders holding other concurrent (“part-time”) positions, as well as incentives for the conversion of S&T achievements into practical applications (科技成果转化), with the focus on breaking down institutional barriers and releasing technological innovation vitality.
Article 2 These Measures are applicable to members of the leadership teams of CAS’ subordinate public institutions1 (“units”), as well as assistant directors of institutes, leaders of CAS’ internally established Party and government departments, and other mid-level leadership personnel (“leaders”).
Article 3 Upon approval, members of a unit’s leadership team may hold part-time positions in their respective units, or in social organizations, foundations, etc., related to their own fields of research and teaching, with the number of part-time positions generally not to exceed three; where the part-time positions held are on the editorial boards of high-level scholarly journals (ranked among the top journals in their fields by impact factor, similarly below), or in international academic organizations, the number of part-time positions may be relaxed appropriately based on actual circumstances.
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Administrative Measures to Motivate Leading Personnel of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to Hold Concurrent Positions and to Convert Scientific and Technological Achievements- Translator’s note: “Public institutions” (事业单位) are organizations created and led by PRC government departments that provide social services. Unlike state-owned enterprises (SOEs), public institutions do not create material products and do not generate income. Public institutions are not considered government agencies, and their employees are not civil servants. Most public institutions are fully or partially government-funded, but some fully privately funded (but still government-led) public institutions exist. Public institutions typically provide services in areas such as education, science and technology, culture, health, and sanitation.