CSET’s Helen Toner, Jeff Ding and Elsa Kania testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission for its hearing, “Technology, Trade, and Military-Civil Fusion: China’s Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence, New Materials, and New Energy.”
Helen Toner described artificial intelligence as a general purpose technology, highlighted the importance of human capital and data in driving AI innovation and provided policy recommendations on immigration reform and standard setting to improve U.S. competitiveness in AI. Read Helen’s written testimony submitted for the record.
Jeff Ding provided the commission with an assessment of China’s AI capabilities. Jeff highlighted the United States’ advantage in foundational AI, China’s comparative success in adopting business applications of AI and the elements of China’s policy and industrial activities to promote AI development. Read Jeff’s written testimony submitted for the record.
Elsa Kania testified on Chinese military innovation, noting China’s view of AI as a strategic military technology, its efforts to rapidly develop and adopt AI technologies, and the military’s close relationship with the academic community in support of developing and fielding groundbreaking emerging technologies. See Elsa’s written testimony submitted for the record.