Tag Archive: Compete

An article by Bloomberg Law referenced a report by CSET's Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong.

CSET's Hanna Dohmen was quoted in an article published by University World News on competition between China and the United States in AI research.

Foreign Policy published an article about competition between the United States and China in the field of artificial intelligence, featuring insights from CSET's Emily S. Weinstein.

Lessons From the Ukraine-Russia War

Issues in Science and Technology
| Spring 2023

CSET’s Jaret C. Riddick and Cole McFaul shared their expert analysis in an article published by Issues in Science and Technology.

An article published by Voice of America quoted CSET's Jacob Feldgoise. Feldgoise states that the Chinese government intends to encourage Chinese scientists to make foreign chokepoints irrelevant by financing research in chokepoint technologies.

University World News published an article featuring CSET's Hanna Dohmen. Dohmen discussed about China's development of AI writing tools similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT.

ChatGPT grabs headlines but Chinese competitor to face censorship

South China Morning Post
| February 20, 2023

The South China Morning Post quoted Dahlia Peterson and Hanna Dohmen, both research analysts at CSET, in an article about China's struggles in developing an equivalent of ChatGPT.

China’s Tech Money Is Now Radioactive

Foreign Policy
| February 2, 2023

A report by CSET's Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong, was cited in an article published by Foreign Policy. This report focuses on the American investors who are primarily involved in investing in Chinese artificial intelligence companies.

Reuters cited a report by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong from CSET. The report focuses on identifying the primary American investors involved in the Chinese artificial intelligence market and highlights the list of AI companies in China that have received investments from the United States.