Tag Archive: China

In an analysis of different countries' use of artificial intelligence to combat COVID-19, Research Analyst Emily Weinstein offers a brief highlighting China's COVID response using AI.

University talent ‘bonanza’ from crackdown on tech firms

University World News
| January 15, 2022

CSET's Anna Puglisi spoke with University World News on China's tech talent pivoting away from big tech companies and returning back to academia.

New US research-security guidelines could help unify reporting requirements

Chemical and Engineering News
| January 13, 2022

Emily Weinstein spoke with Chemical and Engineering News to discuss the Office of Science and Technology Policy's recent guidelines to implement National Security Presidential Memorandum-33.

In the past decade, Chinese researchers have become increasingly prolific authors of highly cited AI publications, approaching the global research share of their U.S. counterparts. However, some analysts question the impact of Chinese publications; are they well respected internationally, and do they cover important topics? In this data brief, the authors build on prior analyses of top AI publications to provide a richer understanding of the two countries’ contributions to high-impact AI research.

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein joins the Lawfare podcast to discuss the Justice Department's China Initiative, and in particular the case of Dr. Charles Lieber.

CSET Director of Strategy Helen Toner weighs in on China's new provision banning media from using algorithms to generate fake news, disinformation, and deepfakes.

In an opinion piece for Brooking's Tech Stream Research Analyst Emily Weinstein breaks down China's technological innovation strategy in its competition with the United States.

China Matching Pentagon Spending on AI

National Defense Magazine
| January 6, 2022

The Chinese military has made extraordinary progress in procuring AI systems for combat and support functions according to a CSET's report "Harnessed Lightning."

Trends in AI Research for the Visual Surveillance of Populations

Ashwin Acharya Max Langenkamp James Dunham
| January 2022

Progress in artificial intelligence has led to growing concern about the capabilities of AI-powered surveillance systems. This data brief uses bibliometric analysis to chart recent trends in visual surveillance research — what share of overall computer vision research it comprises, which countries are leading the way, and how things have varied over time.

A better China Initiative

| January 4, 2022

According to Axios China's newsletter, Emily Weinstein's opinion piece for Foreign Policy is the best analysis of the U.S. Department of Justice's China Initiative.