Tag Archive: Artificial intelligence

Does AI Present a New Attack Surface for Adversaries?

Air Force Magazine
| September 29, 2021

CSET's machine learning primer "Hacking AI" illustrates how hackers can access AI systems and argues for policymakers to build a robust and transparent AI for military systems.

According to The Hill, China is outpacing the U.S.' development of frontier technologies in part due to China's asymmetric STEM talent. According to a CSET brief, China produces twice as many STEM PhDs annually compared to the U.S.

The DOD’s Hidden Artificial Intelligence Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus Ron Hodge Luke Koslosky Kayla Goode Jonathan Rotner
| September 2021

This policy brief, authored in collaboration with the MITRE Corporation, provides a new perspective on the U.S. Department of Defense’s struggle to recruit and retain artificial intelligence talent. The authors find that the DOD already has a cadre of AI and related experts, but that this talent remains hidden. Better leveraging this talent could go a long way in meeting the DOD’s AI objectives. The authors argue that this can be done through policies that more effectively identify AI talent and assignment opportunities, processes that incentivize experimentation and changes in career paths, and investing in the necessary technological infrastructure.

Building a Framework to Trust AI

EE Times
| September 24, 2021

CSET's Director of Strategy Helen Toner guest-starred on the EE Times' podcast to discuss what safe and reliable AI looks like.

CSET submitted this comment to the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation to support the work of the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Task Force to develop an implementation roadmap that would provide AI researchers and students across scientific disciplines access to computational resources, high-quality data, educational tools, and user support.

AI Education in China and the United States

Dahlia Peterson Kayla Goode Diana Gehlhaus
| September 2021

A globally competitive AI workforce hinges on the education, development, and sustainment of the best and brightest AI talent. This issue brief compares efforts to integrate AI education in China and the United States, and what advantages and disadvantages this entails. The authors consider key differences in system design and oversight, as well as strategic planning. They then explore implications for the U.S. national security community.

CSET Director Dewey Murdick and Director of Operations Tessa Baker spoke with Georgetown's The Hoya about CSET's new $42 million grant.

Algorithmic Warfare: How AI Could Go Disastrously Wrong

National Defense
| September 8, 2021

CSET's Director of Strategy Helen Toner sat down with National Defense to discuss AI failures from her and Zachary Arnold's CSET report "AI Accidents: An Emerging Threat."

A new CSET report "Headline or Trend Line? Evaluating Chinese-Russian Collaboration in AI" uses data-backed analysis to address the Sino-Russian partnership and its effect on U.S. strategic interests.

AI in Automotive: Current and Future Impact

EE Times
| August 30, 2021

Looking at AI in the automotive industry, a CSET report "AI Accidents: An Emerging Threat" identifies AI failures and calls for a greater emphasis on research and development to improve safety.