Category Archive: Uncategorized

CSET Research Analyst Will Hunt weighs in on the production of a cutting-edge semiconductor chip machine. Read More

CSET's Anna Puglisi discusses U.S. national security concerns over the use of genetic data from prenatal tests for research and testing by the Chinese military. Read More

CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk comments on the Cyberspace Administration of China's investigation and ban of the company Didi from Chinese app stores. Read More

Research from CSET's report "Mapping India's AI Potential" emphasizes a high enrollment in STEM fields by Indian students. Read More

Dakota Cary's latest CSET report reveals the construction of a new cybersecurity facility in Wuhan, China. Read More

Exploring machine learning, global research, AI companies and more in CSET's latest publications. Read More

CSET's Ngor Luong writes about China's use of financial incentives to prioritizes its technological goals. Read More

A CSET report by Melissa Flagg, Autumn Toney and Paul Harris reveals a more collaborative and less competitive future in global research. Read More

In an opinion piece for Lawfare, Emily Weinstein and her coauthor Ainikki Riikonen argue that the U.S. Department of Justices' China Initiative is counterproductive to U.S. innovation and offer recommendations to improve research security. Read More

CSET's legislative roundup series highlights the latest congressional activity on science, technology and national security topics. Read More