Category Archive: Uncategorized

Policy Communications Specialist Owen J. Daniels is named as the second Andrew W. Marshall Foundation Fellow. Read More

This month we explored China's cyber ranges, previewed upcoming survey projects, and released two new original translations. Read More

Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson spoke on the challenges of accessing information from China. Read More

While cyber theft and espionage deserve considerable attention, CSET's William Hannas discussed additional dangers the United States suffers from against China. Read More

A CSET report identifies 35 Chinese technological chokepoints. Read More

CSET Research Fellow and Non-Resident Senior Fellow Kevin Wolf discussed the Bureau of Industry and Service's lack of intelligence resources to compete against China's technological threats. Read More

Deputy Director of Analysis Margarita Konaev discussed the Russian military's setbacks in Ukraine. Read More

In a study for Harvard's Misinformation Review, Research Fellow Josh Goldstein looks at how tactics used in political influence operations are used for commercial purposes. Read More

Showcasing our researchers’ work and their latest media appearances as they weigh in on developments at the intersection of national security and emerging technology. Read More

In an interview with Supply Chain Daily, Research Analyst Karson Elmgren discussed how the United States can protect its interests in the global chip supply chain after placing restrictions on chipmakers Nvidia and AMD for selling chips to China. Read More