February may be the shortest month, but there was certainly no shortage of insights from CSET this time around. We published a first-of-its-kind research agenda introducing and outlining future work under our AI assessment line of research focusing on safety and trust. A new policy brief identified the main U.S. investors active in the Chinese artificial intelligence market and detailed the set of AI companies in China that have benefitted from U.S. capital. Also focused on Asia was an issue brief examining the scope and nature of Chinese investment in Southeast Asia. February also included a first for CSET’s translation team: translations into English of Israeli documents written in Hebrew. The first was an Israeli government policy that took effect in 2022; it details the process by which the government conducts national security reviews of foreign investments. The second was a similar document that took effect in 2019. The team also continued with its traditional translations of Chinese-language documents, publishing an English-language version of the 2022 budget of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, a Communist Party-led organization that liaises with ethnic Chinese people living outside mainland China and encourages them to support the Party in various ways. And we published a couple of new data snapshots this month – two installments of a three-part series presenting a method to explore and visualize connections across CSET’s research clusters.
Our latest publications:
- U.S. Outbound Investment into Chinese AI Companies by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong
- Keyword Cascade Plots: A Visual Tool for Research Cluster Selection by Autumn Toney and Melissa Flagg
- Diving into Deep Learning with Keyword Cascade Plots by Autumn Toney and Melissa Flagg
- Chinese AI Investment and Commercial Activity in Southeast Asia by Ngor Luong, Channing Lee and Margarita Konaev
- One Size Does Not Fit All: Assessment, Safety, and Trust for the Diverse Range of AI Products, Tools, Services, and Resources by Heather Frase
- Establishment of a Process and Mechanism for Examining National Security Aspects of Foreign Investments (2022) (Translated by CSET)
- Establishment of a Process and Mechanism for Examining National Security Aspects of Foreign Investments (2019) (Translated by CSET)
- 2022 budget of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (Translated by CSET)