
In a PBS broadcast, CSET's Anna Puglisi shared her insights at the Senate Energy Committee hearing held on Thursday about advances in artificial intelligence and U.S. technological competitiveness.

CSET Senior Fellow Anna Puglisi testifies before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on the DOE lab complex and the research security threats it faces.

Translation Snapshots are short posts that highlight related translations produced by CSET’s in-house translation team. Each snapshot identifies relevant translations, provides short summaries, and links to the full translations. Check back regularly for additional Translation Snapshots highlighting our work.

In an article published in Foreign Policy, Anna Puglisi offers her expert analysis on the U.S.-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement (STA).

A CSET report written by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong was cited in an article by Foreign Policy. The article delves into Joe Biden's recent executive order to initiate restrictions on U.S. investment in three specific technology sectors in China: semiconductors, quantum information technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI).

CSET's Margarita Konaev was featured in an article published by The Wall Street Journal that delves into the accelerating research efforts by the United States and China to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their respective militaries, as part of a global competition to leverage the advancements in AI technology.

In an article published by The Wall Street Journal, Emily S. Weinstein shared her expert insights. The article discusses how the strong collaboration between the U.S. and China in scientific research is weakening due to worsening relations between the two countries.

In a recent Bloomberg article, CSET's Helen Toner provides her expert analysis on Beijing's implementation of fresh regulations governing artificial intelligence (AI) services.

CSET's Ngor Luong provided her expert analysis in an article published by Fox Business. The article delves into the recently proposed restrictions on U.S. investments in China's technology sector by the Biden administration.

In a recent NPR radio segment, CSET's Emily S. Weinstein shared her insights regarding the new regulations aimed at restricting U.S. investments in key technologies in China, along with the Biden administration's decision to block advanced microchip exports to China.