Category Archive: Uncategorized

In collaborations with Partnership on AI, CSET's AI Incident Database has documented 1,200 cases of AI system failures. Read More

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein dissects the China Initiative and the lack of understanding it has created between law enforcement and academia. Read More

CSET Research Analyst Will Hunt discusses the lengthy process of building semiconductor fabrication plants as US companies like Intel race to maintain global chip leadership. Read More

CSET's Anna Puglisi discussed that the surprising fundraising contributions by Chinese and Chinese-Americans to the Proud Boys organization were not an effort of identity politics by the Chinese government. Read More

The National Defense Authorization Act requires the Department of Defense to disclose Chinese military companies operating in the United States. In her co-authored piece, CSET's Emily Weinstein analyzes section 1260H of the NDAA and future implications of U.S.-China relations. Read More

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein emphasizes how China's Thousand Talent Plan encourages a culture of secrecy among its participants. Read More

Covering ethics in AI to talent gaps in the U.S. AI workforce — check out CSET's publications from this past month. Read More

Diana Gehlhaus and Ilya Rahkovsky's CSET issue brief "U.S. AI Workforce" shows a lack of evidence to suggest there is an AI talent gap in the United States. Read More

CSET's data brief "Mapping Research Agendas in U.S. Corporate AI Laboratories" reveals how big tech companies are investing in AI research. Read More

CSET Research Fellows Remco Zwetsloot and Zachary Arnold argue against the banning of Chinese STEM students from the United States and outline how rejecting foreign talent hampers U.S. innovation. Read More