Category Archive: Uncategorized

In an opinion piece for War of the Rocks, CSET's Alex Stephenson and Ryan Fedasiuk give a detailed analysis into the use of AI in a U.S.-Chinese conflict. Read More

In his CSET report Research Analyst Will Hunt makes the case that even with the construction of new U.S. fabs through the CHIPS Act, a few thousand foreigns workers with semiconductor manufacturing experience will need to be hired. Read More

According to the Brookings Institution, CSET's report "Harnessed Lightning" gives insight into the China's AI funding. Read More

Deemed by OODA Loop as one of the best policy research organizations that they track and analyze, the article gives an overview of CSET's latest brief on the U.S. retention of foreign STEM talent. Read More

In his CSET report, Research Analyst Will Hunt explains the importance of leading-node logic and memory chips for advanced computing capabilities. Read More

This month we explored the impact of domestic and foreign STEM talent on the U.S. AI talent pipeline. Read More

Research Analyst Will Hunt makes the case for the CHIPS Act funding to be distributed between different semiconductor companies and not solely Intel. Read More

CSET report "Securing AI" highlights the numbers of ways hackers can compromise AI by targeting its data. Read More

Study International featured CSET research finding that a majority of international PhD graduates in the United States choose to remain in the United States following graduation. Read More

PIE News—the news outlet for Professionals in International Education—featured CSET research examining stay rates of international students who receive PhD degrees in STEM fields in the United States. Read More